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Love the small details

 Love the small details
Categories: Great quotes

Love of small details

I remember that in my childhood I bought a very beautiful plastic rifle. A tight cork stopper with a strong spring. What happened is that it fell behind the giant wardrobe in our house. . This means that it was lost forever after only one day of use. I cried like the widows of legends did not cry, and I slept miserable and heavy-hearted. I was nine at the time. At the age of thirty, I began the process of moving from my home, and the carpenter came to me. Unpack this giant safe, and here I was surprised by a rifle sticking out from behind me. The cabinet light, covered in dust and cobwebs, as if it were a mine exploding. In a sea of memories. My heart shivered and I felt the same way as I touched her that Friday. 21 years ago. If I had not held myself together, I would have been running around the apartment with her, and I would have gone straight. To the carpenter, making funny noises with my mouth. Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq Emily: Love of small details
Categories: Great quotes
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